Our Services
Our Services
Making dedication to our client's needs priority, we are flexible and available at anytime and anywhere. We support all fixed-wing aircraft nose to tail:
Structural Repairs
All Aircraft Structures ​
Damage Tolerance Evaluation
Structural Modifications
Antennas Removal / Installations​
Equipment Support Structure
Seat Track Modifications
Interior Modifications and Reconfigurations
LOPA Drawings (Passenger Seat)
Emergency Equipment Layout Drawings
PSU Layout Drawings (Passenger Service Units)
Special Loads Configurations
Interior Repairs and Retrofit
Reconfigure Cabins ie. from Mix Class to Full Coach
Add / Remove Monuments, Liners and Bins
Add / Remove Structural Supports and Equipment
Avionics Upgrades and Modifications
Moreover, we consider humanitarian efforts a duty and have completed many special operations projects to support these efforts across the globe. We continue to be the first call when you need your project completed on time.
As always, we appreciate your confidence in our expertise and dedication.
Donald J. Lingenfelter Jr. FAA DER
ASI Solutions, Inc.